Historic Trillium Farm
Trillium Photo Album
Birch Creek Canyon autumn colors.
Waiting canoe on dock of pond along Birch Creek.
Slide Rock Falls ~ Little Applegate River.
Spring arrives in Birch Creek Canyon.
Spring stroll down Birch Creek Canyon. Spring snow blankets historic Trillium School.
Summit above the Pacific Crest Trail; 10 miles above Trillium.
Ceanothus blossoms and a Trillium cabin in the river canyon.
Spring snow above historic Trillium House.
One of the ponds along Birch Creek.
Transplanting lettuce into the Mother Garden.
Meditation time in the middle of the river.
Fighting gravity rolling firewood up to the truck. Burn party clearing campsites.
"But is it a morel?"
Golden maple leaves blanket historic Trillium House.
Meadow camping in Birch Creek canyon.
Susanna Bahaar and interns in Trillium House kitchen.
Late summer hiking along the Little Applegate River.
Fruit, flowers, veggies, and herbs from the Mother Garden.
Interns splitting firewood the old-fashioned way. Drying culinary and medicinal herbs.
Gathering Meadow: NFNC Summer Camp village center.
Wedding banquet set-up on historic Trillium House lawns.
Shrine in Mother Garden.
Swallow-tail and marigolds.
Foot-bridge to riverbank camping. Trillium kids canoeing for floating apples.
Path through Mother Garden.
Serene autumn moment on the Trillium House lawn.
Clebrating Trillium Farm's birthday aroiund the Maypole.
Trillium Farm's wilderness stretch of the Little Applegate River canyon.
Little Applegate River canyon from wilderness trail next to Trillium.
Susanna Bahaar teaching interns transplanting skills. Doing our part to keep our remote county road clean.
Trillium albidum.
Only 3 miles further up the canyon to Trillium!
Watering the Ridge Garden, high above the river.
Come stay in our beautiful Maple Grove guest cabin!
Gardening quietly behind the blue iris.
Siskiyou Crest rises above the Little Applegate River canyon.
Trillium ovatum.
Trillium Master Gardener Susanna Bahaar.
Relaxing on the dock after paddling. Frosty morning at the ridgetop medicine wheel.
One of several Birch Creek waterfalls, 10 feet into Turtle Island pond.
Swallow-tail in the bergamont (bee balm).
Burly interns installing seasonal footbridge across the river.
Susanna Bahaar with baskets of garden harvest. Blossoms on the steps of the Maple Grove cabin.
Wedding banquet.
Blue borage, happy flowers for your next salad.
Celebrating Trillium Farm's birthday around the Maypole.
Another fresh from the garden salad.
Many hands planting: garden interns learning to plant.
Trillium stewards Chant Thomas and Susanna Bahaar.
"Be sure to check back to see more photos!"
Photographer and webmaster Chant. at the medicine wheel.